08 September, 2013


I'm guessing that all of us dream of living abroad, and yet few of us will muster up the courage to actually do it. Add two curious and determined little boys to the mix and this little dream has probably drifted away.

Enter the Strecker family.

My dear, dear friend Mary along with her husband and two boys just took the courageous leap and moved to Germany for the next year. Cody is in graduate school and Mary + boys are in German life and culture school. I couldn't be more excited or more proud of these precious four. It was such a wonderful experience to see them dream up this idea, try to wrestle with their fears and hesitations, and ultimately decide to just go for it. That is the kind of adventurous spirit that I am so envious of.

Anyway, if you, like me, want nothing more than to watch a beautiful and creative mama figure out life for the next year abroad, feel free to take a look.

1 comment:

  1. OH MY GOODNESS YOU ARE THE SWEETEST! i just saw this because my computer had died and i was waiting for a new charger to come. love love love you, and miss you. just sent you a birthday e-mail, actually! : ) i wish i could share every little part of this adventure with you, just like it was in durham. missing you, friend!


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