30 June, 2013


2013-05-25 17.53.13
Stay kEwL and follow Motherhood Cult!
Well, this is boring for most and very tragic for me, but Google is turning its back on us tomorrow by shutting down Google Reader. I have used that service for years and have really been dragging my feet, searching for a new way to follow the billions (I'm talking a LOT) of blogs that I follow. Here are some new options for following all your favorite blogs, including Motherhood Cult! (right? right??) if you find yourself in the same predicament as I do:

Click the button on the right >>> side of my blog or click here to follow me on Bloglovin. Import your Google Reader by following the directions here.

Sign up for Feedly here. It will automatically import your Google Reader for you (if you do it today!).

Sign up to receive updates via email on the right >>> side of my blog under "JOIN THE CULT."


  1. i am already following you on bloglovin! wahoo! i wanted to make sure i didn't miss a post. : )

    1. yay! in addition to feedly, i also just type your blog into my address bar obsessively to see if there is any way i somehow missed a post. haaa.


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