If I think too much about what has changed between last Thanksgiving and this one, it makes my head spin. Six months ago or so, I signed up for Timehop Abe, this awesome website that emails you your social media updates from one year ago. It's been especially entertaining for the past few weeks as I get updates from one year ago before I knew I had a little tiny baby growing inside of me. Lots of sushi dates (oops!), roller coaster rides (oops!), and other similar banned-by-pregnancy activities. Anyway, it's really hard to believe that here I find myself, with a little one sleeping in the other room, sitting across from Justin as he does his homework for his grad school on a couch that is in North Carolina.
For some reason, over the past few weeks I have really felt this heaviness surrounding Finn's good health. What I mean to say is that I can't believe how fortunate I am to have a perfectly healthy baby. Just the thought of it brings tears to my eyes. His perfect little hands, sweet, pouty lips, perfectly round and chubby belly. His sweet breath and ever growing thighs, his strong legs that allow him to carry weight. Even his strong lungs! Justin and I spent so much time worrying about whether or not he would be healthy when he was born, and here he is, not just healthy, but thriving. When I was pregnant I had this completely unfounded fear that one of his arms stopped growing while he was still being formed (seriously, what???). I'm happy to report that both of his arms appear to be the same size, and furthermore they are both growing!
So I guess what I am most thankful for is this tiny little one's wonderful health. And I wasn't just thankful yesterday, but every. single. day. And I'm not just thankful; I'm completely blown away.
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